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Our Impact Thesis

There is a wide and expanding array of untapped private market opportunities that have the potential to expand opportunity, increase equity ownership, and generate wealth across all communities. The Copia Group provides a path to unleashing this boundless potential through a formula of delivering competitive investment returns while maximizing stakeholder value. Our commitment to ensuring that access to captial and opportunity abounds, is core to our mission.

Our Impact Approach

Central to our impact approach is the belief that increasing access to financial and relational capital in growth markets will drive economic and societal benefits. We utilize the power of successful, scalable businesses to influence positive change.

Our Framework

We employ a proprietary framework which integrates social impact themes at each stage of the investment process including sourcing, screening, underwriting, monitoring, and exit.

Hover over the cards below to learn more about each of our social impact themes:

Economic Inclusion

Companies that are owned/led by underrepresented entrepreneurs or have committed to making meaningful progress to deploy inclusive practices within their organization.

Equal Opportunities

Companies that provide product or service offerings to underserved consumers or provide products and services to these markets at equitable pricing or access.

Workforce Development

Companies making meaningful progress to improve employee engagement, career mobility, and earning potential, through inclusive employment practices and/or economic ownership.

Employee Health & Financial Wellbeing

Companies committed to providing good health and overall benefits to employees, acknowledging the importance of competitive worker pay and the right to earn a living wage.

Employee Skills & Training

Companies committed to reskilling/upskilling employees and/or offering educational assistance programs thereby providing for greater economic mobility for their workforce.

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